Friday 2 December 2011

Doctor Who - Animatic Clip/Analysis/Comparison

In mine and Georgina's Doctor Who animatic clip, we made the characters Rory and Amy stay quite close together in proximity - even though the Tardis door was in the way - to show how strong their relationship is. We also made them mirror each other a lot to signify their marriage and love towards each other, such as when they both rest their palms on the Tardis door as if they can almost touch each other - they're that close. We've kept the Doctor and Rory a little way apart, just to show that their disagreement is still at large but that the Doctor understands Rory needs some time and space to deal with the issue at hand.

For a lot of the scene, Passed-Out-Amy is in the background or very often not even in the frame to show that this scene is all about Outside Amy and Rory's struggle. When Rory is struggling with his decision whether to let Amy in or leave her outside, we used a high angle shot looking down on the character t show how vulnerable and weak he is at that specific time.

We used a lot of close-ups; on Amy and Rory's faces when she is pleading with him to capture the raw emotions both characters would be feeling. When Rory locks up the door, we chose to show the action as a close-up to symbolize the fact of what Rory is doing - saying goodbye to his wife - and also because it is a penultimate part of the scene.

At the start of the piece, we made the movement of the camera quick paced to show the urgency the characters would be feeling in the situations they are in. But as the scene goes on, the shots are edited at a slower and softer pace to give the audience an idea of how delicate the current scene is. This also helps to show how emotional the scene is too.

I think in this scene, Rory is the most important character because he's the one who has to make all the decisions and he's the most humane of the three principal characters in the show - this also means the audience can and will associate themselves better and more easily with him. To put this point across, we used various shots such as high angles, close-ups etc to really let the audience know how the character of Rory is feeling.

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