Saturday 5 November 2011

A guide to getting a good grade...

...So in last lesson, I looked at what needed to be done to get a good grade overall.

I learned there are three AO's:
One Explanation/Analysis/Argument (20 marks) AO3
Two Use of Examples (20 marks) AO2
Three Use of correct terminology (10 marks) AO1

Basically, to get a decent grade I need to explain and analyse very well and be really informative. i also need to know what I'm talking about and use the right terminology. I need to pay a lot of attention to the finer details of the piece and just everything in general because it will be useful when coming to use examples to support my argument.

List of things to remember:
 - take lots of notes (the more the better and the more it will help)
 - micro elements
 - correct use of terminology
 - look at range or representation
 - use various examples from the clip
 - conformed to/subversed stereotypes.

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